Wake Up, America: When They Start Eating Your Pets, It’s Time to Get Real

Alright, folks, buckle up because this one’s a doozy. So, we’ve got a story out of Ohio—home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and apparently now, pet snacks. Yeah, you heard me right. Haitian immigrants are reportedly chomping down on people’s pet cats and ducks like it’s some kind of backyard buffet. And if that doesn’t make you sit up and say, “What the hell’s going on?” then you’ve been watching too much reality TV.

But let’s not get bogged down in the nitty-gritty of who’s eating what. Let’s talk about the real issue here: how the hell did we get to a point where people are strolling into our country and treating the local wildlife—and Fluffy the cat—like it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet? It’s not just about the pets, people. It’s about our complete and utter failure to get our act together when it comes to immigration and security. We’ve got a system that’s so loose and out of control, it’s basically a piñata at a five-year-old’s birthday party—swing and miss, swing and miss, until everything falls apart.

And here’s where Trump comes in. Yeah, Trump. Love him or hate him, he knew how to lay down the law. He was the guy who said, “We’re a country with borders, and guess what? We’re gonna enforce them.” He knew that if you don’t take care of the basics—like, oh, I don’t know, making sure people coming into your country aren’t gonna snack on the family pets—you don’t have a country. You’ve got a free-for-all, where anything goes. You got chaos.

Under Trump, we had this thing called order. You remember order, right? It’s when stuff actually works the way it’s supposed to. Like your front door lock keeping out the creeps, or your immigration system not turning your neighbor’s cat into dinner. But now? Now it’s like we’re living in some kind of absurd reality show where nobody knows the rules, and the prize is who can do the craziest, most ridiculous thing without getting kicked out of the house.

Here’s the deal: when your pets start disappearing, that’s when it hits home. People will ignore all kinds of crap. They’ll put up with high gas prices, lousy politicians, and the fact that no one knows how to merge in traffic anymore. But when you mess with their pets? Oh, man, that’s when the gloves come off. Americans love their pets more than they love each other, and maybe that’s the real tragedy here. But that’s a topic for another day.

So wake up, America. It’s not just about cats and ducks. It’s about what happens when you let your guard down, when you don’t stand up for your values, and when you forget what it means to be a country with some damn sense of order. We need leadership that says, “Hey, respect the house rules or hit the road.” Because if we don’t, we’re not just losing our pets. We’re losing our minds.

Trump knew it, and maybe that’s why half the country still can’t get over the guy. He wasn’t just building walls; he was putting up a sign that said, “No messing around with the things we hold dear.” And that includes the family pets, damn it. So let’s get back to a little common sense before it’s all gone. And if you’re not on board with that, well, don’t come crying when your goldfish goes missing.

One thought on “Wake Up, America: When They Start Eating Your Pets, It’s Time to Get Real

  1. It’s all a bunch of bullshit, I have a sister in Dayton and she says it’s not true about the Hatai people. She says they are nice and some live near her.

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