By Hans Wilder, West Palm Beach
Jimmy Carter, the man who once ran for president as an outsider peanut farmer, now serves as the backdrop for what might as well be a dysfunctional family reunion. Picture this: the National Cathedral, the gilded pews filled with living U.S. presidents—Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, and Trump. It’s like the old band got back together, minus the music, and instead of harmonizing, they’ve all brought their awkward silences. Oh, and Michelle Obama? Missing. Maybe she saw this train wreck coming.
Donald J. Trump, however, showed up. Yep, the guy the deep state loves to hate, the man who supposedly shouldn’t even be in the same ZIP code as “polite society.” And yet, there he was, showing a level of decorum that would make even Emily Post blush. Sure, the rest of the gang might have been grinding their teeth, but Trump walked in with Melania, his head held high—call it defiance, call it class.
You’ve got to wonder what that felt like. There they all are—Clinton, who probably couldn’t name a peanut farm to save his life; Bush, whose claim to fame is not reading the fine print on intelligence reports; and Obama, Mr. Cool himself, who must’ve been mentally scripting his next Netflix special. Biden probably had his eulogy written on the back of a napkin. And then Trump, the lone wolf who isn’t playing their game. If this were a movie, Trump would be Clint Eastwood, walking into the saloon, unbothered by the grumbles of the outlaws.
But here’s the kicker: Trump didn’t have to be there. The establishment has spent years trying to bury him in every way except literally. Yet he came anyway, maybe to pay his respects, maybe just to remind them he’s still standing. That’s got to sting for the deep state types—seeing the man they tried to erase sitting front and center, unflinching.
The vibe must’ve been surreal. Do they chit-chat? Exchange awkward handshakes? Or is it just icy stares and polite applause for Biden’s speech? Carter might’ve been chuckling from above, watching his funeral turn into a masterclass in passive-aggressive body language.
In the end, it’s not about who wore what or who sat where. It’s about Trump showing up despite everything. If the deep state thought this funeral would be a nice, quiet affair to mourn one of their own, they underestimated The Donald. Again.