Espionage in Our Backyard: The Dulles Brothers and Watertown’s Secret Legacy

Alright, folks, gather ’round! Did you know that right here in Watertown, NY, we can proudly say we’re the birthplace of the CIA? That’s right! The Central Intelligence Agency! And what do we have to thank for that? The Dulles brothers—Allen and John. You remember them, right? One’s the father of modern espionage, and the other… well, he probably just went along for the ride!

Now, picture this: the Dulles brothers, born and raised in a small town like ours, sitting around the dinner table, talking shop. ‘Hey, Allen, how’s your day been?’ ‘Oh, you know, just overthrowing governments, playing chess with the Russians, the usual.’ Meanwhile, their neighbors are just trying to figure out how to fix the pothole on Main Street. I mean, how does one family produce a spymaster and a guy who maybe sold insurance?

And let’s talk about Allen Dulles for a second. The guy was a real piece of work! He took the CIA from ‘Hey, let’s keep an eye on things’ to ‘Let’s topple some governments!’ He was basically the guy who turned spying into a full-blown career. While the rest of us are busy trying to keep track of our remote controls, this guy is out there launching covert operations like it’s no big deal!

So, here we are in Watertown, the proud hometown of the Dulles brothers. While folks in bigger cities might be throwing parades for their local heroes, we’re sitting here with our heads held high, saying, ‘Yes, the CIA was born here, folks! Just don’t ask us where they hid the bodies!’ Because, let’s face it, if we’re known for anything, it’s definitely not for keeping secrets!

So next time someone mentions the CIA, just puff out your chest and say, ‘Yeah, we’re the birthplace of espionage, baby! Right here in Watertown! Home of the Dulles brothers, who turned spying into an art form while the rest of us were figuring out how to avoid eye contact with our neighbors!’ Now that’s something to brag about!

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