Biden’s Comedy Act: “I Can’t Wait to See Trump in Prison!”

Get ready for the political drama of 2024!

So, here’s Joe Biden at a rally, practically rubbing his hands together like a kid in a candy store, saying he can’t wait to watch Trump get tossed behind bars. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is out there sounding the alarm like a town crier, warning us that Trump would turn the Department of Justice into his personal hit squad if he gets back into office. Wow, now that’s rich! Isn’t it a little ironic that the same folks yelling about political enemies are the ones who’ve been throwing the book at Trump for years? You know, it’s like watching two kids on a playground; one’s saying, “I’m gonna tell on you!” while the other’s already been put on timeout for throwing dirt.

Biden says Trump’s got a whopping 34 felonies hanging over his head and that the guy is just trying to dodge jail time. Sure, and I’m sure he’s doing that while sipping a diet soda and plotting his next business deal! Meanwhile, Kamala’s warning us about the dictator vibes Trump’s giving off, as if we’re not already living in a political circus where everyone’s got dirt on everyone else. Look, folks, if you’re getting your legal advice from a soap opera, it’s time to rethink your life choices!

In the end, it’s just one big show, folks—Biden wants Trump in the slammer, while Harris is spinning tales about weaponized justice. But let’s not forget, the real joke is on us. It’s like watching a bad rerun: same characters, same drama, and we’re all just waiting for the credits to roll.

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