Crop Dusters and Cover-Ups: Watertown’s Airborne Mystery

Here’s what I think is going on, folks: it was a probing mission, plain and simple. They’re flying this Canadian crop duster like it’s just a casual trip, but they slapped a U.S.-registered tail on it, hoping nobody would bat an eye. This thing has been flying out of Ottawa for weeks, doing a whole lot of nothing, and then — BAM — one day it’s buzzing over Watertown, flying a neat little grid over the west side of town. What, are they coming back to finish the job? Are we gonna see them do the east side next? Or maybe the next time they show up, it’s game over for Watertown. Until we get some real answers, we’ve got to stay vigilant.

I’ve reached out to various government agencies, talked to my “reliable sources,” and guess what? Not a peep. Nobody knows squat that’ll put this to bed. Meanwhile, half the town’s clueless about what went down on September 24th, 2024, and until we figure this out, our cats are staying inside! Yeah, we need answers, people—because I’m not letting my cats out until this mystery is solved. Stay sharp, Watertown!

12 thoughts on “Crop Dusters and Cover-Ups: Watertown’s Airborne Mystery

  1. So, they slap a U.S. tail on it and think we’re just gonna shrug? Bold move, Canada. Bold move. What’s next, maple syrup smuggling across the border?

  2. Flying neat grids over Watertown like they’re mapping out the world’s most exciting game of Minesweeper. Can’t wait for the east side round 2; hope they bring snacks.

  3. A crop duster flying over Watertown? Up in Florida, we call that Tuesday. Let me know when they start dropping iguanas.

  4. It’s concerning that there’s no official explanation for a aircraft out of Canada flying grid patterns over a U.S. town. If this was a probing mission, we need more transparency and swift action from our government to ensure national security and protect local communities.

  5. As someone stationed at Fort Drum, I’ve seen military exercises and air traffic, but this was different. Watching that plane make precise grid patterns over town felt a little off; like it wasn’t just passing through. We need answers, and fast.

  6. Oh, a Canadian crop duster flying over Watertown? Big deal, happens all the time. Next thing you know, people will start freaking out over squirrels crossing the border without a passport

  7. Franchement, tout ce bruit pour un simple avion? Chez nous au Québec, c’est juste une balade du dimanche. Watertown, relaxez, on ne fait que vérifier si vos fromages sont aussi bons que les nôtres

  8. Look, I’m telling you, this isn’t just some crop duster. They’re mapping us out, testing our defenses! First it’s grid patterns, next it’ll be drones or who knows what. This is how it starts, folks. Don’t be surprised when Watertown is ground zero for the next big cover up. Stay woke, people!

  9. Yo, dat plane was like spyin on us or sumthin. They probly tryna like find all our secrects. Bet it was one of dem UFOs or sum govment thing. We gotta be carful out here, ya kno? Watertown’s important an stuff…smh

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