The Fact-Check Follies: A Media Circus with a Nerd Parade

Watertown NY, 09-09-2024

You ever notice these days every time Trump opens his mouth, there’s some dweeb in a cardigan on CNN, chomping at the bit to correct him like he’s a grammar school teacher handing out detention slips? I’m talking about those fact-checkers. They look like they’ve never been outside, never seen sunlight, but somehow they know every time Trump sneezes the wrong way. It’s like a goddamn hobby for them: “Oh, Trump said the sky was blue today? Well, actually, it’s light blue, so that’s a lie.” These guys make lawyers look honest and make accountants look like rock stars.

These fact-checkers are like the tattletales of the media world. They’re the kid in school who reminded the teacher there was homework. You remember those little bastards? Same vibe. But here’s the real kicker: they only seem to have one target. Every day, every hour, it’s Trump, Trump, Trump. They’re like a broken record stuck on one track, but instead of music, it’s all nitpicking. They’re not even finding the big stuff anymore; they’re picking at the scraps like raccoons in a dumpster. “Well, actually, the population of Nebraska is 1.9 million, not 1.92 million.” Yeah, thanks, buddy. I’m sure the republic is much safer now that you cleared that up.

But what about Harris and Waltz? Or whatever flavor-of-the-week Democratic duo happens to be running the circus? Ever seen those guys get the same treatment? Nah, they get the soft serve. The VIP pass. The “don’t worry about it” treatment. And when they do screw up? Oh, it’s not a lie—it’s a “mis-truth.” A mis-truth! That’s some Orwellian crap right there. You know who else uses words like “mis-truth”? People who know they’re lying but think you’re too dumb to notice. But these media clowns will say it with a straight face, like they’re doing the Lord’s work.

The whole thing’s rigged, folks. It’s not news; it’s a damn soap opera. It’s like if the WWE and your local gossip rag had a baby, and they raised it on a diet of clickbait and outrage. And you, my friends, are the audience, paying good money—or your sanity—to watch this garbage fire burn. They’ll have you believe that one side’s a bunch of saints and the other’s a bunch of devils. But here’s the secret they don’t want you to know: they’re all devils, just with different tail lengths.

It’s a show, folks. A big, shiny, distracting show. And the nerds with the glasses and the fact-check spreadsheets? They’re not there to inform you; they’re there to distract you. Keep you arguing over petty stuff so you don’t notice the big stuff. And it’s working. People are more worried about Trump’s spelling than they are about what’s actually happening in their lives. So, next time you see one of those nerds with their charts and their smug little smiles, remember: they’re not your friend. They’re just the latest act in the media circus. And the circus always needs a clown.

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