Privacy Policy

Who We Are – Welcome to Digital Media USA, Your One-Stop Sarcastic Shop for News for People Who Are Over It

Here at Digital Media USA, we collect your sarcasm, wrapped in bits and bytes of data, whether you like it or not. Our address? Oh, we’re not fancy – just Come on in, leave a comment – we’re watching.

Comments – Because Everyone’s Opinion Is Hilariously Important

So, you want to leave a comment? Great! We’ll snag your data from the comment form, grab your IP address, and toss in your browser details for good measure. Why? Because we like to “help” with spam detection. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, we might just take that hashed version of your email and send it over to Gravatar – they’ve got your back… and face. (Their privacy policy? It’s here – but who reads those anyway?)

Media – Upload At Your Own Risk

Got some snazzy photos to upload? Pro tip: maybe think twice about embedding your GPS data. Why? Well, anyone could download that lovely photo of your cat and figure out exactly where Fluffy lives. Internet sleuths, rejoice.

Cookies – Because We All Need a Little Digital Snack

Decide to leave a comment? Well, guess what – cookies are on us! We’ll save your name, email, and website for a whole year so you don’t have to fill in those details again. How convenient, right? If you ever log in (if that’s even a thing here), we’ll serve up a few more cookies. But don’t worry, they’re temporary – unless you hit that magical “Remember Me” button. Then we’ll keep you logged in for two weeks. If you edit a post? Bam – another cookie, no personal data though, because we’re polite like that.

Embedded Content – It’s a Whole New World Out There (And We’re Bringing It to You)

You’ll notice some articles on Digital Media USA might have videos, images, or other bits from elsewhere. Because why should we create when we can embed? And just like that, those other websites will be happy to track you, too. Ain’t technology grand?

Who We Share Your Data With – Who Doesn’t Love a Group Effort?

Let’s say you need a password reset (because, yeah, it happens). We’ll toss your IP address into the reset email because sharing is caring.

How Long We Retain Your Data – Spoiler Alert: Forever Sounds About Right

Leave a comment? We’ll keep it forever, because deleting things is so 1999. We need to be ready for your next witty remark without dragging it through moderation. Oh, and if you happen to register on the site (don’t ask us why), we’ll hang on to all that personal info too. Edit it? Delete it? Sure, but that username is yours for life.

What Rights You Have Over Your Data – It’s (Kinda) Yours

Want a copy of all the data we’ve collected about you? Just ask, and we’ll export it all into a neat little file. And if you want us to erase it? We might – unless it’s for “administrative, legal, or security purposes.” We’ll hold onto it, just in case.

Where Your Data Is Sent – Because It’s Always Good to Share the Love

We’re not the only ones peeking at your comments – our automated spam detection service gets in on the action too. Consider it a digital double-check, with extra snark on top.

Welcome to Digital Media USA, where your data is our punchline.