Opinion: The Great “Look” Conspiracy


You know what really grinds my gears? News reporters starting their segments with the word “Look.” Have you noticed this? They all do it. “Look, here’s the deal,” they say, as if they’re about to unveil the secrets of the universe. But you know what they’re actually doing? They’re trying to hypnotize you. That’s right, folks. It’s a verbal sleight of hand, a magic trick designed to make you think they have all the answers.

“Look,” they say, as if you were too stupid to figure out where to direct your eyeballs. As if without their divine guidance, you’d be staring off into space, drooling on yourself, completely oblivious to the wonders of the news. It’s condescending, that’s what it is. It’s a power move, a way to assert dominance right off the bat.

And let’s talk about the psychology behind it. When someone says “look,” it’s an imperative. It’s a command. They’re not asking you to consider something; they’re telling you. It’s the linguistic equivalent of grabbing you by the collar and shaking you until you pay attention. “Look,” they say, “what I’m about to tell you is important.” Well, excuse me, but isn’t everything you report supposed to be important? If you have to preface your news with “look,” maybe you’re not doing a good job at convincing us of its significance through actual facts and context.

But here’s the kicker: it’s lazy. It’s a crutch. Instead of crafting a compelling lead or offering a nuanced perspective, they default to this cheap trick. It’s like a magician who only knows one card trick and performs it over and over again, expecting applause each time. News isn’t magic, folks. It’s not supposed to be about tricks and illusions. It’s supposed to be about truth and clarity.

So, what’s the takeaway here? The next time you hear a reporter start with “look,” I want you to pause. Think about why they’re using that word. Are they trying to simplify a complex issue? Are they attempting to steer your opinion before they’ve even presented the facts? Or are they just filling space with a verbal tic because they can’t think of anything better to say?

In a world where information is power, we need to be critical of how that information is delivered. We deserve better than cheap parlor tricks and condescending commands. We deserve facts, clarity, and respect. So the next time a reporter tells you to “look,” you tell them to “think.” Because that’s what we need more of in this world: critical thinking, not just blind obedience.

And remember, folks, always question the narrative. Especially when it starts with “look.”

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