Dockworkers on Strike: The Latest Gift from Bidenomics (And Don’t Worry, Harris is Confused Too)

Ah, the East Coast dockworkers are on strike—again. Let’s hear it for the working man, taking a stand! But let’s not kid ourselves here: this isn’t just about paychecks and benefits anymore. This strike is a symptom, people. A symptom of a much larger disease we’ll call Bidenomics. Yes, the same economic wizardry that has you paying $15 for a hamburger and selling your kidney for gas money is now trickling down to the very core of our supply chain. But don’t worry, Kamala’s got it all under control. Or wait, does she? Honestly, she probably doesn’t even know what the dockworkers are striking about. She’s probably still trying to figure out the map.

The Biden administration—excuse me, the Biden-Harris administration, because they want you to believe Kamala is actually doing something—has turned the economy into a game of Jenga. And guess what? The dockworkers just pulled a block out from the bottom. And when this whole mess comes crashing down, the White House is going to act like they had no idea how it happened. They’ll blame “global forces” or the “invisible hand of the market.” Yeah, right. Invisible hand, my ass—more like Biden’s clumsy mitts pulling the wrong levers and slapping the middle class in the face.

Remember when Trump was in office? Whether you loved him or hated him, at least there was a plan. Hell, even if the plan was just to tweet at 3 AM and scare the hell out of foreign leaders, it was still a plan. Trump would have had this strike settled before it even started. He’d tweet something like, “Dockworkers are the backbone of America, great people, huge respect—settle it or you’re all fired. MAGA!” And bam! By noon, everyone’s back at work, moving crates and loading ships.

But Biden? Nah. He’s too busy giving stump speeches about unity and restoring the soul of America to care that your Amazon packages are sitting in a shipping container off the coast of New Jersey. And Harris? Let’s not even go there. She’s in a permanent state of “What the hell is going on?” You ever see her in a press conference? She just kind of laughs nervously like someone who got caught cheating on a test and doesn’t know how to talk her way out of it. If Bidenomics is the disease, Harris is the placebo.

It’s all connected, folks. This dockworker strike isn’t just an isolated labor dispute—it’s the chickens coming home to roost. Thanks to the magical economy that is Bidenomics, companies are squeezed, workers are squeezed, and now, even our supply chain is on life support. Inflation’s through the roof, wages can’t keep up, and the administration’s solution? “Let’s raise taxes on the rich!” Like that’s gonna put food on your table or get those dockworkers back to work.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is like a bad infomercial host. “Wait, there’s more! We’re also giving you skyrocketing crime rates, energy dependence, and foreign policy disasters!” And Kamala? She’s still laughing awkwardly at the podium like she’s the only one in on some cosmic joke. Newsflash, Kamala—the joke’s on us.

So while they’re busy bungling the economy and letting strikes cripple our ports, Trump’s out there golfing and still finding ways to troll the left on social media. And you know what? I miss that. At least under Trump, we had some damn backbone. Now we’re stuck with this circus act that doesn’t even know how to juggle.

And here we are, East Coast dockworkers on strike while the administration scratches its head and goes, “Gee, how did this happen?” Well, I’ll tell you how. It’s because you can’t run a country on empty platitudes and clueless leadership. At some point, someone’s gotta know what the hell they’re doing. Trump knew. Biden and Harris? They’re still looking for the instruction manual.

And that, folks, is what Bidenomics gets you. Strikes, stagnation, and a vice president who couldn’t navigate her way out of a paper bag. God bless America—she’s gonna need it.

11 thoughts on “Dockworkers on Strike: The Latest Gift from Bidenomics (And Don’t Worry, Harris is Confused Too)

  1. Dockworkers on strike? Bet Hans Wilder’s dumb website blames Biden like he does for everything.

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