Spy Planes, Crop Dusters, or Just Another Day of Government Surveillance? Watertown Wonders What’s Buzzing Overhead

Alright, folks, here’s another head-scratcher from the “What the hell are they doing up there?” department. Picture this: a U.S.-registered Air Tractor—yeah, that’s right, an Air Tractor—flying low and slow from Ottawa, doing loop-de-loops over places like Watertown, Adams Center, and Rodman, NY. I mean, nothing weird about that, right? Just your average Tuesday flyby!

Surveillance or Reconnaissance Ops:

So, what’s the deal? First up, maybe it’s spying on us. Could be border security, could be reconnaissance—maybe they’re trying to figure out if your backyard grill’s up to code. Or, hell, maybe they’re watching to see if anyone in Watertown is about to overthrow the government with a lawnmower and a bad attitude. The low-altitude flight pattern sure looks like someone’s taking a long, hard look at something, and I doubt it’s for the view.

Agricultural or Environmental Monitoring:

But hey, let’s not jump to conclusions—this could be all about the environment, right? Because nothing says “I care about your cornfield” like flying in from another country at 350 feet. Sure, maybe it’s environmental monitoring or spraying some magic pesticide. Because when Canada wants to check on New York’s crops, they definitely take the scenic route over the St. Lawrence, cross an international border, and buzz a few neighborhoods on the way.

Training Flights:

Ah, of course, the classic “training flight.” Every time something strange happens, it’s always “training.” We’ve got a plane playing cat and mouse with the radar, and we’re supposed to believe it’s practicing? Yeah, sure. Maybe it’s practicing how to not get shot down for flying too close to someone’s chicken coop. And they’re out here “calibrating sensors.” For what? To measure how much they’re pissing people off as they fly 300 feet above your house?

Law Enforcement or Customs:

Now, let’s not forget the law enforcement angle. Maybe it’s all legit—U.S. Customs, maybe even the Mounties are getting in on the act, checking if anyone’s smuggling maple syrup across the border. And why fly low? To get a close-up of your car, your license plate, your mid-life crisis in action. Hell, at that height, they can probably tell if you’re overdue for an oil change.

Covert Ops or Something Shadier:

But let’s be honest—this whole thing smells fishy, doesn’t it? A low-flying plane, darting across borders with its transponder flipping on and off like a disco ball, sounds more like someone’s up to no good. Smuggling? Could be. Maybe they’re moving contraband, or maybe someone’s running covert ops. The transponder goes dark and the plane dives low to avoid radar? Yeah, because nothing screams “innocent” like acting guilty as hell.


So, what do the experts say?
First, “verify the registration.” Sure, let’s see if this Air Tractor is playing by the rules. Call up the FAA, but don’t hold your breath—half the time they don’t even know what’s flying out of their own backyards.
Second, “coordinate with border security.” Yeah, good luck with that. By the time someone figures out whose airspace it’s in, the plane’s already in another country or on its way to Mars.
Third, “monitor future flights.” In other words, keep watching, because even the guys who are supposed to know don’t have a clue what this plane is doing.

So there you have it—planes flying low, government agencies scratching their heads, and us, the regular folks, left wondering if we’re part of some aerial game of hide-and-seek. And just like every other mystery, we’ll probably never know what’s going on. But hey, keep your eyes on the sky—it’s a lot more entertaining than what’s on TV

95 thoughts on “Spy Planes, Crop Dusters, or Just Another Day of Government Surveillance? Watertown Wonders What’s Buzzing Overhead

      1. It didn’t come out of Ottawa it came out of Rome New York at the old Air Force base, they made a deep fake you idiots.. ROFL

    1. I heard it first a few times and then finally I stepped outside and looked and then today I finally saw something on Facebook about it

  1. It’s not even a real video,It’s AI and I checked flight tracker and it never happened, the guy who writes this shit is a trouble making DRrump supporter and he is trying to make trouble where it doesn’t exist; MAGA is forever dumb!!!!

  2. It was NYS police airplane out of Rome NY watch the video it never was in canada the guy manipulted it to appear so it looked like it. The color of the plane was yellow and blue.

  3. That plane circling Watertown? Probably just trying to figure out why anyone here would need a swimming pool when half the year is basically winter. Either that, or they’re mapping out the town’s backyard pool-to-lawn chair ratio for some top-secret summer surveillance!

  4. That plane flyin over Watertown? Probly sprayin’ somethin’ in the air, right? Heard they do that when they wanna control the weather or something. You ever notice how yer pool’s water looks a lil funny after one of those flyovers? Makes ya wonder what they’re really up to…

  5. I just saw that plane flying over Watertown yesterday, and honestly, what’s going on here? It’s like something out of a spy movie. Are they spraying something, scanning the ground, or just trying to make us all paranoid? Either way, it’s super suspicious, and I’m not buying the “just routine” explanation!

  6. This is a right-wing publication, the guy who writes here, his name’s probly fake, and he trolls Paula Collins constantly for no reason… true troll move.

  7. Folks over at CSX, including my brother, are sayin illegals from Mexico and China are hoppin on trains up in Quebec and ridin em down to Watertown, then jumpin off. Word is, Watertown’s the new hot spot!

  8. I’d really like to know wth that sus yellow single engine plane out of Ottawa was doing yesterday scanning the city?? Seems funny all the airforce jets here patrolling the past month just left last weekend. When you cross border flight you have to check into customs at nearest airport.

  9. Holy hell, did ya see that other video on YouTube? Plane landed right behind Adams Center in a damn pond! That one’s a whole lot more concerning than the one from yesterday, I’ll tell ya that!

  10. The reason the local news isn’t covering this is because it’s literally not a story. It was probably just Google or some tech company doing routine aerial photos for Google Earth or something. Planes like this fly all the time; nothing to see here, people, just chill!

  11. TRUMP IS PURE FUCKING EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SO IS YOUR FAKE NEWS PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Russian disinformation to get your panties wet. Idiot maggots believe anything there dear orange leader tells them too.

  13. So apparently, Canada’s gearing up to invade the U.S. I guess they’re gonna do it really politely. Like, they’ll knock first, then apologize before taking over our Tim Hortons. 🙂

  14. You call this a “news” site? Looks like a lot of Q-Anon conspiracy theory stories. Real credible. Just proves this is a nothing burger.

  15. We need more intel. This isn’t just a routine flight; they aren’t normally permitted to cross borders with chemicals. From what I’ve gathered, these substances are heavily secured, stored strictly within state boundaries, and tightly regulated under infection control laws. Crossing national borders with this kind of payload? Highly unusual, and not something that’s supposed to happen.

  16. Here’s the scoop from behind the scenes: an insider dish about tracking something for a solid hour before getting the call to head back to base. Now, what’s got everyone’s antennas up isn’t just the event itself, but the deafening silence from the media. This blackout begs the question: were we on the brink of a solo flight into oblivion, or something more sinister—like a chemical shower from above? Let’s be clear, these birds in the sky aren’t there to watch; they’re there to disperse. With the media mum, the mystery only deepens. What’s really going on?

  17. Alright, let’s dive into the rabbit hole here. I did some digging, and guess what? Digital Media USA isn’t what it seems. Here’s the lowdown:

    IP Trace: Traced their IP, and what do you know? It’s not from the good ol’ US of A but straight out of Moscow. Why would an American media company operate out of Russia unless they’re not what they claim?
    Propaganda Push: Recent buzz on X (formerly Twitter) and other platforms highlight how Moscow’s been playing the long game, using “authentic U.S. voices” to spread narratives that might as well be straight from the Kremlin’s playbook. If Digital Media USA is pointing its digital antenna towards Moscow, you bet they’re echoing that tune.
    The Tenet Media Connection: There’s this outfit called Tenet Media, bankrolled with Russian cash, pushing pro-Russia propaganda through American influencers. If Digital Media USA’s IP is in Moscow, aren’t they just another puppet on the same strings?
    The Great Narrative Shift: Russian state TV has been citing American commentators, essentially laundering Russian viewpoints through U.S. media. If Digital Media USA’s got a Moscow IP, could it be they’re part of this laundering machine?
    Operation Chaos: We’ve got networks of fake news sites pretending to be local American news, but with an AI twist, all aimed at muddying the waters for the U.S. election. If Digital Media USA’s servers are chilling in Moscow, might they not be part of this disinformation campaign?

    Now, here’s where it gets juicy. If all these dots connect, Digital Media USA could be a front, not just for spreading news but for steering American opinion towards Russian interests. Why else would they hide behind a Moscow IP if not to obscure their true affiliations?

    This isn’t just about media bias; it’s about geopolitical chess. If Digital Media USA is indeed operating from Moscow, we’re talking about a deep infiltration of American information space. Remember, in the world of information warfare, location isn’t just about where you’re from but whose side you’re on. And with an IP in Moscow? That’s a red flag waving in the wind of digital disinformation.

    1. Today, Paula’s crew, known as Paula’s Sick Gang, appears to be enjoying their afternoon. However, I’m familiar with the individual managing the website in question. Contrary to any suggestions of Russian involvement, I can confirm he’s of German descent, having personally known his mother quite well. Therefore, if there’s any talk of disinformation, it’s worth considering the source, including Paula and her team of fact-checkers.

  18. Russian disinformation, they took a routine flight and turned into conspiracy theory; and the Trumpets eat it up, hook, line and sinker. LOL

    1. It could cause a lot of panic if people think something’s wrong. Plus, the noise was unsettling with it flying so low yesterday, I hope they have a good reason because the last thing we need is more stress in Watertown.

  19. Still no word official what was going on? The longer this goes by with out an accounting the weirder it gets.

  20. From a customs enforcement perspective, the second video is very concerning as low-altitude, irregular flights have always been something to keep an eye on. Whether it’s surveillance, reconnaissance, or something less savory like smuggling, these maneuvers get noticed. And if they’re switching transponders on and off like it’s a game, well, that’s a major red flag. Smugglers and shady ops love to fly under the radar literally. So yeah, it could be innocent, but from my experience? I wouldn’t be surprised if someone’s trying to pull a fast one. Keep watching the skies; there’s usually more going on than meets the eye.

  21. I’m from Watertown Massachusetts. I came here by mistake because I thought this incident happened here. However, if I was the mayor, I would make sure that the children stay inside until all the questions are answered.

  22. If there is ever a follow up on the incident, it occurred yesterday in Watertown and it turns out it was nothing. I did see the second video from a few weeks ago of that other airplane coming in from Ottawa and appear to be landing behind Adam center and some pond for a brief period of time I think that’s the one that should be concerning.

  23. It could be some environmental survey, but usually, flights like that come with prior notification to the FAA, especially if they’re crossing international borders. And let’s not forget about sensor calibration or training flights believe me, I’ve heard “training” used as a blanket explanation for things that made no sense at the time :/

  24. When you live out here on the streets, you notice every plane, every helicopter. That one was flying so low, it felt like it was gonna land right in front of me. Not sure what they’re looking for, but it’s hard not to feel like they’re watching us. Makes me wonder what they’re up to. Where’s the city Council and Mayor?

  25. I was stationed there in the army, cold ass place I feel sorry for those mofo’s up there. shits cheap though and girls are fat.

  26. Nothing on the lame news around here not even shit Newzjunkie has anything at all, so it must be of concern. Newzjunkie diffuse records though do not reflect the natives of NNY.

  27. Alarming, I still haven’t heard anything pro or con and it seems no one even knows about what went down. I seen it myself a few days ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it .

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